By our driveway, my house has a basement window. It's small and protected, if you want to call it that, by a metal guard that is probably supposed to keep stuff out of there.
My mom and I can't really figure out how they get in and out, but somehow that small area has become a toad hotel. It seems like any time I look, there's at least one toad in there. I don't know if they can squeeze between the siding and the metal to climb out, or if there's a secret tunnel... but however they do it, the toads seem pretty happy to live there.
How many can you spot in this picture?
Our toad lives on our lawn mower (of all places) inside the garage...!
i spot 4!
my son is desperate to catch a frog. he's even set up a 'trap' for it in the garden made from plastic bottles filled with grass and water. he checks it every day to see if one has made it's way in.
i've destroyued a few with the lawnmower (accidentally you understand!)
I'd rather have a toad for the road, but these (four) are still quite nice, inedible and non-chocolate though as they know, being just a picture and all.
Upon my return home from the dog-walk this evening, I found said toad waiting in the garage where my front left car wheel was about to travel...I've decided that he/she has a death wish, possibly inspired by his/her impossible love for my lawn mover...
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